The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther - Chapter 72

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lmao lion and vivi in trouble now!
Just a weirdo
Why is it bibi now? Isnt it vivi?
Forbidden love
The first part makes no sense, all of them are were animals. All the humans can turn into animals. How would she get the idea that she needs to turn into a full human when there aren’t any full humans in this world? So stupid ?. Now I would understand if she was worried because thier two different species.
Exactly. But there are some full humans in their world. But they’re people who have been human since birth so that’s a different case. I agree that what she said didn’t make much sense. It would be more reasonable if BiBi said she can’t be with Ahin because she can’t fully control when she turns into a a rabbit or human.
She said, she’s not human nor an animal,so what is she? Lol,a thing? All of them are animal shifters, why is she so insecure?
I agree with the points you have made but maybe it’s because of her traumatic past? Like she was thought when she becomes a full human her life will become a fairytail dream if you know what I mean. I think she is… gaslighting herself into thinking she is still broken therefore not worthy of such things like “being loved”…Or it could be just some stupid plot thing. Both could be accurate in my eyes
Also about the diffrent species thing: If they want to have grandchildren it can be a problem… But around the begining there was a half-wolf half-panther character who tried to attack Vivi. So if the problem is babies, they can definetly have them…