The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther - Chapter 112

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bruh shush ur lil lion simp ah @Lioness u keep ur side character.
ALSO YES QUINN SMART AS EVER LETS GO BEST CHARACTER IN THE MANHWA. gotta love over smart falcon guy 👍 no other simps allowed
@SereUsagi i agree with you
@SereUsagi Even if the ml dies, there is always 2nd ml….
@jrborz yes I agree
@jrborz, lmao, did you even read the previous chapters?
If “clearly these two people should not be together”, then FL left ML to die, end of the story. 🤣🤣🤣
Of course there are plot twists, hardships and difficulties to overcome in all stories, and in all human relationships, in general.
FL happened to have healing power and is rescued by ML, who is urgently in need of a cure.
They are basically match made in heaven.
Noooooo this is to short 😱 and I hope vivi can heal ahin 🥹
clearly these two people should not be together
what the…what is going on in this story
im here for the men
nooo it’s too short t____t