The translation is not as solid, but I believe Johannes was the only one who supported Hermann’s business which is why the are close friends. Thank you to Haurva’s comment explaining the letter!
she needs the marriage annulled so she can hand the title off to jeremy, but can’t do that unless she gets proof that there was something wrong with the marriage or it was never consummated – things nobody’s going to let her talk about in a courtroom. but she’s got a letter from her late husband confirming to a relative that he’s not a pedophile and never consummated his marriage to a 16-year-old, and she needs a male third-party witness to testify that it’s definitely a letter johan wrote.
She’s a smart and strong women i like that
The translation is not as solid, but I believe Johannes was the only one who supported Hermann’s business which is why the are close friends. Thank you to Haurva’s comment explaining the letter!
Ok, I’m not the understanding type but what iis happening!?
she needs the marriage annulled so she can hand the title off to jeremy, but can’t do that unless she gets proof that there was something wrong with the marriage or it was never consummated – things nobody’s going to let her talk about in a courtroom. but she’s got a letter from her late husband confirming to a relative that he’s not a pedophile and never consummated his marriage to a 16-year-old, and she needs a male third-party witness to testify that it’s definitely a letter johan wrote.