Hmm I don’t like her. She is too passive and dumb. If it’s that scary and bad she could have killed him long time ago if she would just prepared herself…
I wouldn’t say she was having an affair. Redhead made his feelings known to her, and that’s about it. It’s not like the emperor empress couple married out of love so I could hardly call her being interested and leaning towards a non-psychotic man (but no action) who expressed his feelings for her be even considered emotional cheating. Much less an affair.
estherfhaee, are you ok in the head? 💀
She didn’t even choose to be married to the psycho. FIRST of all, it was a political marriage and she was forced to be with him. SECOND he’s literally a psychotic piece of trash that doesn’t value life. THIRD, it was literally mentioned that he played around with other women so don’t go talking about Niobe having affairs. FOURTH it can hardly be counted as an affair, she didn’t confess to redhead, redhead confessed to her. They didn’t do anything physical besides ONE hug out of DISTRESS. One could argue that it was an emotional affair however that would be a idiotic argument considering everything blonde psycho has done. FIFTH she in fact DID have the intention of breaking it off. through divorce, before pursuing redhead further. Yes there were more reasons behind the divorce but that doesn’t change the fact it was brought up. SIXTH even if none of my previous reasons were valid it wouldn’t matter because the psychotic blonde doesn’t deserve the decency of a proper break up. So yeah, she was completely valid in her, “affair”
I’m not siding with the psycho emperor or something but I believe that affairs, no matter the reason is wrong. That’s why I find her a bit dumb. She could’ve dealt with things smartly.
This got dumb all of a sudden
Hmm I don’t like her. She is too passive and dumb. If it’s that scary and bad she could have killed him long time ago if she would just prepared herself…
Terlepas dri banyaknya konspirasi mengenai kaisar nero, tpi klo modelan gini, kek kntl lah
I wouldn’t say she was having an affair. Redhead made his feelings known to her, and that’s about it. It’s not like the emperor empress couple married out of love so I could hardly call her being interested and leaning towards a non-psychotic man (but no action) who expressed his feelings for her be even considered emotional cheating. Much less an affair.
estherfhaee, are you ok in the head? 💀
She didn’t even choose to be married to the psycho. FIRST of all, it was a political marriage and she was forced to be with him. SECOND he’s literally a psychotic piece of trash that doesn’t value life. THIRD, it was literally mentioned that he played around with other women so don’t go talking about Niobe having affairs. FOURTH it can hardly be counted as an affair, she didn’t confess to redhead, redhead confessed to her. They didn’t do anything physical besides ONE hug out of DISTRESS. One could argue that it was an emotional affair however that would be a idiotic argument considering everything blonde psycho has done. FIFTH she in fact DID have the intention of breaking it off. through divorce, before pursuing redhead further. Yes there were more reasons behind the divorce but that doesn’t change the fact it was brought up. SIXTH even if none of my previous reasons were valid it wouldn’t matter because the psychotic blonde doesn’t deserve the decency of a proper break up. So yeah, she was completely valid in her, “affair”
I’m not siding with the psycho emperor or something but I believe that affairs, no matter the reason is wrong. That’s why I find her a bit dumb. She could’ve dealt with things smartly.