You know what? You made her cry… So i hope to see a good number of chapters in which you suffer Giryuu… I don’t care if your intentions were good, where’s the second ML?? Isn’t it time for him to appear? There is a second ML here right???
I fucking HATE this trope of “I’m going to tell the other person I don’t love them because I think I know best and won’t let them decide for themselves like a real adult”. I thought the author would be better than that. They already wrote a male lead who is actually a good person that isn’t an asshole to everyone but the female lead. I thought they wanted to break manhwa stereotypes…
Guess we’re going to have to suffer through another 100 chapters before they get together all because of one really dumb tomato head. Seriously why should he care what his subordinates think! They’re just jealous???
Imean break up with that duch
But u fell for the wrong person she’s in love with the black night commander just like judith was I guess that how he train his killers
Its gonna end up badly for her
Mission failed but if he hadn’t denied her then who knows what would have happened to her friend. Honestly she should leave the black knights even if her coward ex fiance suggested it, he’s right
you dumb ml -_- Giryu.. fucking ml
You know what? You made her cry… So i hope to see a good number of chapters in which you suffer Giryuu… I don’t care if your intentions were good, where’s the second ML?? Isn’t it time for him to appear? There is a second ML here right???
F as a knight *sharp as a knife glare to ML
I fucking HATE this trope of “I’m going to tell the other person I don’t love them because I think I know best and won’t let them decide for themselves like a real adult”. I thought the author would be better than that. They already wrote a male lead who is actually a good person that isn’t an asshole to everyone but the female lead. I thought they wanted to break manhwa stereotypes…
Guess we’re going to have to suffer through another 100 chapters before they get together all because of one really dumb tomato head. Seriously why should he care what his subordinates think! They’re just jealous???
Aditi Khedar
Man you got some shit in your head clean it .let her decide whether she want to be with you or not.
Giryu.. You messed up a big time ?
Imean break up with that duch
But u fell for the wrong person she’s in love with the black night commander just like judith was I guess that how he train his killers
Its gonna end up badly for her
So this place is starting to ba a one with hundreds of misunderstandings.☹️☹️
bruhh i knew he was gonna do that ?
JESUS!!! She HANDED that to him and he just fumbled the hell out of it!!!
my heart breaks for her!!!!!!
Ok I hate u giryuu. U could save us from 100 episodes of waiting both dof u to be together but u ruined it
normally i dont mind so much when we get a fumbled misunderstanding of a confession scene cuz it increases tension
but like
the FUCK
Giryuu done fumbled the bag?
Mission failed but if he hadn’t denied her then who knows what would have happened to her friend. Honestly she should leave the black knights even if her coward ex fiance suggested it, he’s right
why are you listening to those dumb knights she would be your wife who cares
Giryuu I now hate you??
Strawberry sorbet
Dang giryuuu what’d you doooo