Idontdoprologues Oh! That was sweat? I was wondering why he looked greased ? ? March 27, 2022 at 5:59 pm Log in to Reply
annerayleigh ?? Isn’t hot in here?Are you hot?I mean you’re hot ? I I mean ?? March 25, 2022 at 3:37 am Log in to Reply
VINDETTA He’s sweating cause he ran all the way there right? March 24, 2022 at 9:56 pm Log in to Reply
Vivianne Oooh Maybe Olga also got blessing and her powers are prophecies? I think there were some mentionings of Olga before hmm gotta reread it. Also.. Why is Giryuu soaking wet? Lul March 24, 2022 at 7:44 pm Log in to Reply
TypicallyUsual Olga said she came down with some divine illness and that Kanzak told her to be a saint. June 5, 2022 at 1:29 pm
Did it rain or…. 😅
Oh! That was sweat? I was wondering why he looked greased ? ?
?? Isn’t hot in here?Are you hot?I mean you’re hot ? I I mean ??
He’s sweating cause he ran all the way there right?
Cant wait for the next chapter???
They’re cute but Orion is cuter ?
Oooh Maybe Olga also got blessing and her powers are prophecies? I think there were some mentionings of Olga before hmm gotta reread it.
Also.. Why is Giryuu soaking wet? Lul
Olga said she came down with some divine illness and that Kanzak told her to be a saint.