I knew it! The method in which he’s obtaining the blood is by manipulating her. Cuz tbh based on the info we had prior to this reveal, she’d likely be someone desperate to be loved and have someone care about her and therefore very vulnerable. I don’t think she’d be the type to try to kill her family, at least by using another living being, I more believe she found the dragon egg one day and raised it as her own but likely got caught. Since dragons are likely very rare, her brother likely sought this as a rare opportunity he couldn’t pass up and therefore manipulated his sister so he can experiment with the dragon, also hence why a lot of black knights wonder there. It could be the dragon escaped either as a result of the experiments or after isephina died, it sensed that and in a rage over the loss of the one that raised it, it broke free with a vengeful fury.
cant she just use the dragon to kill her brother. she can easily destroy the palace.
I knew it! The method in which he’s obtaining the blood is by manipulating her. Cuz tbh based on the info we had prior to this reveal, she’d likely be someone desperate to be loved and have someone care about her and therefore very vulnerable. I don’t think she’d be the type to try to kill her family, at least by using another living being, I more believe she found the dragon egg one day and raised it as her own but likely got caught. Since dragons are likely very rare, her brother likely sought this as a rare opportunity he couldn’t pass up and therefore manipulated his sister so he can experiment with the dragon, also hence why a lot of black knights wonder there. It could be the dragon escaped either as a result of the experiments or after isephina died, it sensed that and in a rage over the loss of the one that raised it, it broke free with a vengeful fury.
Is it actually her dragon?? Or is she just hiding it in the villa for her brother??
The girl who begged at him, was that Calipa?
Poor her but still bitch go away
Oh the poor dragon…