Seriously, it took the guy 5 years to propose to her?! Well… the story started out great, it had its good moments, but the ending was very rushed. Mainly because it went on hiatus well before the end, and it took a long time for it to come back, and when it did come back, everything was very rushed. The couple’s romance is extremely weak, not very emotional, not very affectionate, their first time is the worst I’ve ever seen. Overall, it’s a good story, but not magnificent.
Seriously, it took the guy 5 years to propose to her?! Well… the story started out great, it had its good moments, but the ending was very rushed. Mainly because it went on hiatus well before the end, and it took a long time for it to come back, and when it did come back, everything was very rushed. The couple’s romance is extremely weak, not very emotional, not very affectionate, their first time is the worst I’ve ever seen. Overall, it’s a good story, but not magnificent.
Wowwww! Thank you so much ❤️
Huhu Congratulations to the whole team who made such a wonderful story. Looking forward for the special episodes😍💕
Who loves manga
Yes sure thanks a lot
You have worked hard for making such a great story