A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 74
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*brain cells
They’re really dragging this out huh? Cmoooon our girl is smarter than that, what’s the point of this author? Where it was just dumb at the beginning, I’m now actively loosing brain feels every time I have to hear this inner monologue again😭
Someone say to her ahahah
I think we all figured out Larissa’s prince is Fabian’s younger cousin (who already has a massive crush on Larissa ), but I suppose she’s tunnel visioning, lul
no matter what everyone said about the female lead, I still love her because feelings is such a complicated things and something you believe won’t change easily because maybe, I don’t know why she still believe that but the author make her that way
FL kinda stupid tbh
Is it necessary to make the FL so dumb wuth just this one thing. I mean come on. It obvious in the story she wouldn’t have saved Fabian so he would have died and most likely Richard would have been the Duke that Larissa met. It also very obvious that he has and will not have any romantic feelings to a little girl he sees as a little sister
She’s really delulu
this lag of development of FL made me furious AF except for wedding to move in the duchy they’re no progress in 70+ EP at all.
Amelia Marie
Get fucking smart already