A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 65
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Is it bad if I say I’ve seen worse braindead FLs and compared to them, this one is actually tolerable? Damn, apparently I need to raise my standards
The artist is rapidly growing…
Dang..she’s sooo dumb
Art is officially what’s keeping me on the boat..
The art has changed so much. They literally took away her boobs and the triangles on her head lol
I’m dropping this, nice to meet y’all fellow fun commentors but I just can’t take this stupidity and lack of plot movement anymore byeee 🙂
I’m about to drop this fucking story. “but the og novel!!” Istg half of these FL are braindead. OG novel is 6ft underground already when you changed your role in the story you dumbass
@AArtsy- its called the stupid ball. When a writer has reached the point when they need a new conflict to occur BUT no spark they have to temporarily lower the IQ of a character inorder to advance the story
She turned dumb again! Whats this a syndrome or something?