A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 56.5
You don't have anything in histories
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Thank god she’s finally giving up trying to get them together
I really don’t get how she didn’t realize Richard was the OG ML
They literally both saw each other and clearly got a crush, and he looks just like he did in the storybook. If it had been Fabian, the eyes in the picture clearly would have been red. Its not like anyone in the storybook was painted differently to how they really looked, and the age gap would have been too big, you would have seen that pretty clearly in the pictures too.
Valhalla's dream.
I know that magic exists in that world, but to write it as a way to fix everything, even a mental illness brought by extreme trauma… it feels like an insult to those who struggle with it every day. Also her fixation on getting her well fast. It will take time. She is getting better but she still needs time.