A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 51
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@blissugar usually it is! There’s an old manhwa called Absolute Witch that addressed this. There, witches were more like nymphs, one with nature and magicians had consumed their flesh and blood to gain powers after trying to kill them all. Ironically, they wanted witches after all of them left for a different dimension to avoid war. 100% the villains.
In reality, witches were more or a neutral force doing both good and bad. Ppl generally accepted that witches were fictional. That was until the rise of natural disasters like drought, famine and the plague along with increasing christian beliefs that witches did exist and were followers of the devil. They were only recorded to be executed around medieval times iirc.
The infamous Salem witch hunt can be traced to one preacher who had been exiled for trying to paint a beloved woman of the community as a witch. Luckily no one believed him there and thought his ravings to be out of jealousy but unlikely for everyone else, his theology eventually caught on. Factors like mass social change, poor crop yield, disease, and strong misguided religious belief were the driving force behind these witch hunts. It was less about villanizing all women but rather punishing “bad women” and that could range from marrying too late or delivering a miscarried baby to… y’know actually enjoying sex tsk.
Come to think of it, I never realised this but I never saw ‘witches’ as evil, but they’re always used as evil female magicians in context. It’s ironic how witches are always evil (and they’re girls) while wizards are usually all great and powerful (and are male)
I’m guessing horse!
i hope it is a horse..i love horses
Bro ive never seen a treehouse in a manhwa before i would lovee to see the characters playing in one. Especially siblings
Probably an animal
surprise an entire tree house? no… that’s just what I want
I wanna know what our precious boy brought for our precious girls!😆
so cute 🥰
Larissa looked so happy this chapter!!!💖❤️💖❤️