A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 48
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ooohhhh boi be having dirty thoughs heheheh
Aww, he is no fun!🙈
Tsk don’t they feel hot? Being in a room just the two of them with a handsome and sexy man and a beautiful and alluring woman, where’s their desire? Aren’t they attracted to each other? Fabian,you need to exercise your masculinity,boy😮💨😂and your junk as a man 😂
He really went like 🙈🙈🙊
Aw, a little duke will be born if he had Alcohol 🥺
He’s so strict with himself any other lead would show up half naked in a towel or robe this man has on a three piece suit and paperwork, so convincing sir 😂
ang pogi mo Fabian!!!!