A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 44
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Valhalla's dream.
so sweet
🤣 Yeahhhh my family owns horses and riding with someone is not as romantic as they make it seem. It’s actually kind of awkward sometimes. It feels way better to ride by yourself. And actually, something more realistically romantic would be you and your partner riding your own horses together side by side on a stroll through a field and just talking and laughing. THAT sounds nice. And that’s if your horse doesn’t feel the sudden urge to go to the bathroom 🤣. Horses are not humans so they will use the restroom when they feel the urge.
Jokes aside, obviously this is a fantasy story so it’s not that serious. I love these romantic horse ride scenes even if they’re not realistic. It’s just funny compared to real life life 😂
Just saying, riding a horse slowly, together, with your butt between someones thighs is pretty erotic….
I looove this one!!!
just AL
This leading man is one of the handsome character among male leads 💕
Just so you gen z knows, riding a horse together is not romantic, your bottom gonna be so sore and not in a good way
He looks so handsome 🥺🥺🥺
@Rococochoco— that’s a classic anime style and if you cant handle it, read a shittier comic.
I think they changed the artist because its kinda different. The characters seem to have a longer face
I think Marica’s hair look better if she didnt have those giant pointy bangs/part, they’re kind of distracting and I also think they should replace the servants especially after the time her father was allowed to come in and slap her now there someone passing on harassments letter to her, replace the whole mansion if they cant find these traitors