A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 38
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I’m sure if the fl was reading the story like we are she would understand that the Duke is trustworthy, protecting the current peace that she has found for lyrissa is probably what she is thinking now and I get it. She has only known the Duke for a short time and she has to protect a secret for the person she cares for most
ooooomhhh my goodness…the stupidity is kiing me
Sometimes I wonder if Larissa can hear thoughts too
Catherine Briar
And what will you do if they kill you? Will Larissa be orphaned as well?
Annnd she just insists on being stupid!
She thinks too naively about how the world works. She seriously lacks depth of sight to a horrible extent. Why doesn’t she understand that she is no match for those vile people who are blinded by greed and as nobles have many strings to pull!? Why doesn’t she get it that she needs to TRUST THE DUKE just like the first time they met and ASK HIM FOR HELP!? I simply can’t comprehend her narrow-mindedness and naivete! Guess the author didn’t do a good job when crafting her character. Since this much obliviousness is simply too unrralostic. It doesn’t fit her disposition and character as a transmigrator from the modern age. She wasn’t originally this stupod, so it just has to be the author’s lack of insight into the human psyche. Hope it doesn’t continue this way otherwise I will have no other choice but to drop this despite liking the plot alot. *SIGH*
Bruuhhh do you even realize that the contract can’t help each other, it’s only for protection and also, if you read it right, that guy can just spread the truth, Larissa then have her life RUINED. Istg, please think before you post.
Nada Amore
He at least trusts her. Are the sisters 2 years apart in age?
@Nada Amore Yeah, HE does but SHE doesn’t! She needs to get in a serious trouble in order to snap out of her odd narrow-mindedness and gullibility! Her biggest supporter is right under her nose yet she doesn’t get it and wants to confront a pack of wolves while being an oblivious bunny!
oh no please keep trusting her and let no misunderstandings happen
Amelia Marie
Now who are te spies in the house that is the question
Nice point! I was wondering the same thing.
Awww Larissa and Marcia’s matching dress please they should wear more matching outfits, they are so cute ?
Why not just tell the duke about it, ?? Many problems can be sort doing that, it can also be a great help even when they divorce , he can be a strength to help them
@milaapol My words exactly! She acts oddly stupid its out of character! She hasn’t even realized that they all share the same trait, they all are mixed-race! So its such a great opportunity and like match made in heaven! Its also extremely easy for the duke to understand her situation and support her. Yet she acts as if brainwashed or something, like she has lost her reasoning altogether. To be honset I think there is something wrong with the author.