A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 37
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The ex and cousin should get together, they’re perfect together
Snakes snakes everywhere… little yeller bellied cowards
my word….those snakes sure are dumb
I love how they made carl so naturally and subtly ugly lol, with the most unusual features like thin eyebrows, small pupils, a creepy smile, and emo boy eyeliner look
Her fiance she said.. omG, she’s got a delusion..
That’s gotta be the dumbest plan I’ve read about in a while?. And even if by some , it works, what makes you think that the duke would ever choose you? The audacity?
LOL how is this awful plan ever going to work?
He is my fiancee
In your dreams he hated ur guts and your whole family
ROFL. WHAT AN IDIOT! Yeah so… how long do you think it will be before they find out what the cousin did and destroying both their lives? Oh, oh, I hope he tells her how she was NEVER going to be his wife
Lol his cousin is delusion and stupid! ? I can’t wait for this to blow up in her face.
Thank you so much for this wonderful translation ??
Wow that cousin really needs a reality check and a S L A P. Assuming ang gaga ?