A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 3
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ugh! Before you look for the prince, find a good translator first.
in previous chapters, Larissa escaped later and was found (in the forest?) by the Prince
No just fucking leave the house with the ogfl gosh
do not go find the prince…we all know how this ends…he will end up falling for you…
The translation gave me headache
In the story did Larissa ever go out of the basement? How did the Prince and her met?
And the prince will fall in love with u instead boom married then lol
Please 🙁 the translation
The translation is going downhill?
Oh-oh! Changes in the original story… Thanks, Hari.
Reader is L
0h my g0d! Who did the translations? What happened harimanga? It’s terrible. ??
I feel the princes is going to like her intead
Thats right.
What if, in the original story, the prince only rescued her in order to gain her tears?
and is actually one of the bad guys
If that earing costs so much why not run away with all her jewelry then?
I’m of the same opinion?
Random Curiosity
I assume it’s an issue of where do you go afterwards and how to hide from the count who no doubt wouldn’t want to lose his source of endless diamonds. If the MC doesn’t solve this issue, leaving would be a fools errand and no doubt both sisters would suffer.