A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 23
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I really hate it when translators write goblin and not fairy
Izumi Miyamura
i hate going outside, i hate the sun so much. It depletes me of all my energy and stamina. Ig im a vampire, love indoors and night time
we need to touch grass and sleep alot. Someone pls stop us from reading TOO MUCH manhwa 😭
I am vampire. I hate sun.
I hate going outside….it is just soooooo hot and muggy and bugs everywhere
She should’ve told him
He would’ve helped them and made sure they dont run into their father and nobody visit them
Because his uncle might contact her dad
Lover boy xoxo notcringeatalllmao
I feel so sad when I see them feel, I can feel how awkward it was when she tryna say Larissa was abused and past her didn’t do anything about it
So far I just wish she have change her mindset of making Larissa happy by marrying her to this duke thingy I think she is just fine with mc bubher side 🙂
Same. I feel them for being awkward like that since it’s a hard topic to bring up about, but…. The only think we can do as reader is hoping that things will get better as author nim made the plots
I know it is not right but it is not her fault. Everyone is scared if they see abuse act in front of their eyes. On my experience, I once saw my father kick my younger brother because he did a wrong thing. but it traumatized me until now, I became scare of my father. I feel uncomfortable around him and I am afraid of him so much. My heart keep beating fast every time I face him. She saw more than that. it is normal for her to be scared. I know she should have save her somehow, but it is not easy to do that
???? Let them be happy. I just know once that father finds out about the marriage he’s going to show up looking for Larissa, he should have an “accident” on the way there. But with how dependent he was on the tears he’s probably going broke and suffering anyways