A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 22
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fun fact, since they’re married, that means Larissa is technically the same family as Richard 🙂
If ppl don’t like a more realistic fl and want something where everything go the fl’s way then (Remarried Empress) has a great story, beautiful art and the Empress is doing a revenge plot so I recommend reading that or (The Pale Horse) for similar reasons. The translation is pretty bad in places but still a great read
Dude be sussy
Reader is L
The FL just keeps ruining this story…. she’s frustrating ?
Dropping. I really don’t like FL. She’s too frustrating and those misunderstandings are so forced.
Thanks for translation nevertheless.
Well hes right she’s hiding her story and expect help just like that
More series plss thank you
Thanks hari mnga ?
Honestly fl is still pissing me off by her thought of entangling Larissa with Duke.. Like tf with your mentality girl.
I get both of you guys complaining about FL and FL’s condition. Right now, her ways of doing things…. She only rely on herself. She was clearly stressed out by that. Thinking only her that could make things better. But it’s clearly ruining everything too… She must trust at least one or two people.
Richard’s father was dragged away on charges of attempted murder yet the wife doesn’t seem to care and honestly neither does he ????? He’s too busy thinking about Larrisa probably
Haha, love do change people huh. His attitude toward Fabian also changed.
thank youuu