A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 2
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random guy
someone save them 😭😭
@PshycoPrincess Well people might ship them both :,(
i hope they become good friends now.
omg their eyes is like jewels itself
Ooof…. This fairy tale huh? Yeah i didn’t like this fairy tale because of the characters in that fairy tale always abuse the one who take a role of this “Larissa” i’ve read a short story too about a girl that when she cries, the tears turned into a black pearl. It’s fckd up, because there’s a scene where the girl crying loud in the street and all the black pearls starts to dropping like crazy. And people around there, they fighting to get the pearl like animal. It’s disgusting.
THE ARTSTYLE>>>>>>>>>>>
How utterly disgusting! Larissa’s powers are more like a curse! I hope that in the future she could get rid of it so this hellish situation doesn’t repeat itself. ?
Thank you hari
OMG, poor girl. Thanks, Hari.
Thank you Harimanga.?
Its never too late to run away
They well.Marcia and Larissa will run away from those fools.seeking help and shelter the to Grand Duke.