A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 12
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Valhalla's dream.
People are complaining about the fl’s choices, but she is doing it because it’s the happy ending that it was written for Larissa. She wants to get her there sooner and also she said she will stay and protect her because she realized that her plan went awry. Besides, she doesn’t know how else to help her.
Birb brain fl
Why is this girl so hell bent on marrying her off. I understnad that’s what she read in a “novel” but does she not have a brain? how can she not understand the impact her words of wanting to marry her little siseter off as soon as they escaped especially after she promised to take care of her sound like.
Nahh man girl stop asking her to marry the duke i mean why ask her if she want too or not
Ps. Everytime that there’s a Isekaid story they always act like this
Don’t worry guys…I doubt she will want a devorce after the three years have gone by….
girl stop she still a child…and a traumatized one..
You are from a modern era what the hell are u thinking???
Reader is L
Hunney stop trying to blindly follow the fairy tale. And in the fairy tale he lost the title anyway because he couldn’t find a bride and the prince who fell inlove with your sister is actually the brat nephew, the timeline works, the age fits, the circumstances seems about right. So just marry the dude and plan how to secure you and your sister’s lives, being grand duchess will probably make things easier.
Maybe she dont want u to get married gurl
Female lead is pissing me off.. Like dumb girl can you stop talking about matching them both. That kid don’t even know what is happiness and she’s been asking about how she feels for him.. Alteast let her talk first.. So annoying.. I will drop it at this point tbh
???this FL still talks about love or fell for guy type with her little sister??I am feeling to kill The FL??this b***chh is getting on my nerves..why is she still thinks about fariy tale only…when she sees Larissa Traumatized ???does she not know.. Traumatized person needs to heal first
So her sister will be with his cousin the one with blue eyes
So he’s perfect to marry her he’s part witch and she’s part fairy ??
Tysm harimanga ?
Everything I’ve uncovered so far, (according to me, the story still has a long way to go so there are likely more change to occur) :
– In the original tale, I think it’s Richar who was the original “Prince”/Grand Duke who saved Larissa from her family because Fabian wasn’t able to inherit the title.
– Fabian is truly the hidden villain of the story while Richar is the Male Lead but because Maricsa came with Larissa three years early, the plot changed.
– Fabian was mean’t to lose and have his uncle inherit the title from him; according to the original tale, Dominic inheriting the title was the lesser evil since Fabian’s ambition for gaining the title were far more sinister to everyone else around them. In the original, Dominic would have likely used the Dukedom’s riches to live lavishly but ultimately it would have been Richar who came out as a better successor.
– Richar is also not exactly what a typical Male Lead should be like but he is smart. After the will announced Fabian to take the title, Dominic lashed out and even attempted to harm Fabian but it was Richar who stopped him, knowing full well not to harm those with power and how control the situation in order to seem neutral to his family.
I love you harimanga
I like your plot, is this spoiler?
No no no? just my analysis so far, but I’m glad you liked it?
Great analysis we had a same frequency of brain?
AWwww she probably thinks her sister will leave her alone now or something equally terrible
ouch, next please. getting excited 🙂