A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 10
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Trash relatives here to ruin the day…
There’s the little prince.
Reader is L
The translations keep changing… its a tad frustrating to read… someone is doing a terrible job. ?
Gurl, just try to understand it- You’re reading it for free??? ??
Ooh that boy looks similar to the ml more i suppose?
Female lead lost her braincells for sure.. Its not like she is dreaming of any fairy tale but she is among the living beings.. The age difference between duke and Larissa is way too much.. How can she think of starting a romance between those two.. Its not like her actions are predertmined and she cant go against author’s will.. She better not connect them.. That child needs care and love
FL has so brain and she losees her morality ??I hate her….Even if she thinks it’s fairy tale but still the people she is seeing all r real human ofc and she is also living there so she should think of her little sister health first but she still thinks of Grand Duke and Larissa love????did she forgot Larissa is kid noww and also abused so she needs healing first Nd live cheerfull childhood lifee…
I hope FL regains her brain once she sees this kid cuz her matchmaking grown up man with a minor is extremely gross. Idk how many screws you even need to lose to not just be okay with that but even look forward to such development.
So the fairy must be grimm’s because its not a happy ending with this cheeky evil looking kid
The boy looks cheeky. But maybe not to bad for Larissa.
Unfortunately that kids a jerk but at least he’s closer to Larissa in age. Looks like that short story book left out a lot of details. If somehow that boy is the prince then doesn’t that mean his father must have messed with the will and gotten his Ron to be the heir?
I’m guessing that boy is gonna fall for the little sister
I hope this kid is decent unlike his father.