A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale - Chapter 1
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Lmao how can an accident in real life happen “simultaneously at the same time without error” with an accident written in a novel?🤣🤣🤣
My attention is down to 0 after reading this ridiculous plot.
Lol I saw the name and hear “drop some money, droppin all my money” 🤣
Izumi Miyamura
Lalisa? From Blackpink??
She’s so cute!
save her!!!!
?I’m loving how this isn’t a complete takeover but an assimilation of two seperate soals
Lalisa? You mean that lalisa I’m thinking about?
Yeah this is a little different with two souls residing in one body. But I don’t really like it. I am a little curious about how the story will flow.
This is quite interesting. We don’t usually see a plot where the original soul of the body is still present when the transmigrated soul moves in. I’m curious to see how this will play out.
How did the kid survive there without food
Ummm dude i would understand questions like “why didn’t they killed her?” or “Why tf does she look so clean if she is abandoned” But you asked for food so idk man no logic can explain that
Easy answer; cuz she the female lead. That automatically gives her immunity to anything that could kill her, including abuse and starvation.
Random Curiosity
All I can say is: Read the next chapter
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
why would you read a dark book like this to a child?
My thought exactly. I’m like, “How old is this kid to be reading a ‘story book’ about these not-so-kid-friendly events??”
Wow, it’s a very interesting plot, with very good characters and beautiful art! Thank you Hari.
The og villainess is a dick
Interesting update more!
First off you should never hold a child while in the car they should be in a car seat always. Second this art is nice hope it stays this way
Lol her name’s la lisa
This story is interesting ??