Boy, you’re already married so it’s too late. Even if there was something and number two. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to point anyone out in a crowd even if you asked her. Judging by how she pictures people as doodles. I’m pretty sure he would just be a green blob in her mind
Valhalla's dream.
I love that the “tea party about the ex” scene is with Rael
Who knows maybe his into the maid.
Baby boy don’t worry about it I bet she though of him as a friend and that all
She married you and only courted you that speaks for itself
Boy, you’re already married so it’s too late. Even if there was something and number two. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to point anyone out in a crowd even if you asked her. Judging by how she pictures people as doodles. I’m pretty sure he would just be a green blob in her mind
Everything is green 😂
Watch him ask her and her be like “who we talking about?”
Trust. Trust your wifey
Ela não deve nem lembrar quem é esse cara, haha
@LNikto true hahaha but i feel bad for that guy
I bet she didn’t even know that this green haired guy loves her lmao