blubrrycantspel damn i read it all today… and damn why am i still rooting for ml? is it because i know he’s going to get with her in the end so i have completely given up on the chance she might get with 2ml? what a depressing way to think.. April 19, 2023 at 8:01 am Log in to Reply
thatnoel Damn thats wild, but I still can’t see any chemistry between princess and Sighard 😩 he and Amelita are a much more perfect match to me April 19, 2023 at 7:42 am Log in to Reply
damn i read it all today… and damn why am i still rooting for ml? is it because i know he’s going to get with her in the end so i have completely given up on the chance she might get with 2ml? what a depressing way to think..
Damn thats wild, but I still can’t see any chemistry between princess and Sighard 😩 he and Amelita are a much more perfect match to me