Ah, Sir Duche, why do you think you have the right to ask anything pertaining to her? You divorced her. You treated her like crap from the get-go. So shut it and leave.
the ads use a consistent javascript so you can either block all javascript or create a new filter with a zapper tool in most adblock extensions in both firefox and chrome. the ones i was seeing were a mix of porn and straight up malware. there is also the solid option of just leaving this site entirely and sticking to more reputable leechers. the fact that they’re letting porn and malware ads through means they do not value your safety in the slightest and that behavior should not be rewarded with brand loyalty
The weird ads are making it through some ad blockers somehow. Use Brave browser, it made the ads go away.
What does it matter that they are together at that hr? There was no physical contact ( apart from helping her get up) and the trash asking is an ex. Did he forget he has no rights now?
Is Calix younger than Erin?
Boi it’s NONE of ur business… YOU divorced her so mind ur own damn business
Im ur misconception
Ah, Sir Duche, why do you think you have the right to ask anything pertaining to her? You divorced her. You treated her like crap from the get-go. So shut it and leave.
@Mandragora she used it to the assassin before thats why
So where did her shopping bag vanish?
Why do you care ex husband!
What our girl does with calix has nothing to do with u so piss off🙄
classic manhwa ex husband getting mad when the wife HE divorced is hanging out w another man 😒 like why do u care it’s not like he was being weird…
So I’m not the only one getting these weird ads. Guess it’s time to find another site
the ads use a consistent javascript so you can either block all javascript or create a new filter with a zapper tool in most adblock extensions in both firefox and chrome. the ones i was seeing were a mix of porn and straight up malware. there is also the solid option of just leaving this site entirely and sticking to more reputable leechers. the fact that they’re letting porn and malware ads through means they do not value your safety in the slightest and that behavior should not be rewarded with brand loyalty
The weird ads are making it through some ad blockers somehow. Use Brave browser, it made the ads go away.
What does it matter that they are together at that hr? There was no physical contact ( apart from helping her get up) and the trash asking is an ex. Did he forget he has no rights now?
fuck this ads bro
I thought that my laptop got a virus bc these porn ads showed up
@Rococochoco bro I thought I was the only one getting these mf porn ads
Ugh… He doesn’t care for her anyway treasonous bastard that he is
Anyone else getting porn ads
What is it to you,bastard?🤨do you have any rights to forbid her asshole?
Like he has any right asking that.