omfg i hope i’m wrong but this motherfucker is getting ready for the worse, remember the gambling house the panel where he ask if the supply for war has arrived ? what if he’ll get rid of his grandpa for the throne taking into account that after what he did with the divorce we’re all thinking of retaliation from the emperor towards that fucking cauliflower ? oh no no no the grandpa looks like a nice person
I don’t care about this shit. Just don’t make him a puppy once he taste that cookie. For Pete’s sake..holy fuck.. I’m sick of his face..wanna see Calix
If I’m the King.. I would strip this kid of his right to be the next King.. he is short sited and unwise.. not befitting of a ruler..
What kind of King believes a rumor ugh..
What r u doin gramps? Teach that kiddo a lesson and pass the crown to the blacked hair guy..
Like the emperor isn’t perfect but it doesn’t seem like he is trying to manipulate her and the husband looks like even more of a shithead. Like the emperor knows the husband knew the rumors weren’t true and used them to smear her name on purpose which makes the fact he wants to act like “I didn’t mean to hurt you” even more disingenuous.
Ew. Did this little insect just imply that his dad should marry Erin if he wants her to be queen? Revoke his status as heir, Mr. Emperor. He’s a spineless weasel and he has poor judgment. Better yet, adopt Erin and declare her Crown Prince 🙂
Make black hair the king leave this guy on his own we will see then how he thrives
Just let her live her life in her bakery I it really that hard????
Piece of trash …king pls listen to him make her the queen
Asshole… 😤😤
@LilyValley lol what did u expect it was the old years of course there was no equality in woman
So man are allowed to have an affair but not woman? What a ridicoulous society.
M*****f***** clown 🤡
I swear he’s the world’s most biggest b*ck😡
omfg i hope i’m wrong but this motherfucker is getting ready for the worse, remember the gambling house the panel where he ask if the supply for war has arrived ? what if he’ll get rid of his grandpa for the throne taking into account that after what he did with the divorce we’re all thinking of retaliation from the emperor towards that fucking cauliflower ? oh no no no the grandpa looks like a nice person
I don’t care about this shit. Just don’t make him a puppy once he taste that cookie. For Pete’s sake..holy fuck.. I’m sick of his face..wanna see Calix
Can’t believe he said that to his grandfather like damn 🤡🤬
If I were the emperor, I’d would’ve been have the role to his younger brother. What the emperor did was still wrong but he at least knew Erin’s worth😤
His like a toddler throwing a fit because wasn’t getting his way 🙄
This SOB
If I’m the King.. I would strip this kid of his right to be the next King.. he is short sited and unwise.. not befitting of a ruler..
What kind of King believes a rumor ugh..
What r u doin gramps? Teach that kiddo a lesson and pass the crown to the blacked hair guy..
Like the emperor isn’t perfect but it doesn’t seem like he is trying to manipulate her and the husband looks like even more of a shithead. Like the emperor knows the husband knew the rumors weren’t true and used them to smear her name on purpose which makes the fact he wants to act like “I didn’t mean to hurt you” even more disingenuous.
Ew. Did this little insect just imply that his dad should marry Erin if he wants her to be queen? Revoke his status as heir, Mr. Emperor. He’s a spineless weasel and he has poor judgment. Better yet, adopt Erin and declare her Crown Prince 🙂
Cant get over him saying she had an affair that could ruin the royal family’s reputation while he himself has a lover everyone knows about
rip he was just trying to look out for a good kid and it backfired spectacularly