Still wondering how the duke easily took her in even though he must’ve known she’s a fraud. There’s no way he is that foolish anyway.
On top of that, she pretended to be pregnant.
So either he hooked up with so many women during his days on battlefield that he immediately accept ‘strange girl’ claiming pregnant with his child without a question,
The guy has no etiquette and while he is a duke he never seems to do any paper work so it seems like he was granted the title from the ruling family’s line so he probably just thinks it’s easier to go along with a scammer he knows than dealing with dozens of ladder climbing nobles that want their daughters to give him a child.
Girl he’s jealous ? this girl only cares for herself and her own gains why can’t she think more deep like the heck why the duke was so good to her it’s been a year even thought you didn’t spend that much of time yet you aren’t curious at all why despite everything you’ve done the duke doesn’t do anything bad at all. And treating you with kindness
I think he knows her from the past and knows how she lived and how her dad was a bum
Girl. You just realized how generous he is after more than a year of leeching out of him. daaammnn.
must have ‘lived in richness’ before. ?
Still wondering how the duke easily took her in even though he must’ve known she’s a fraud. There’s no way he is that foolish anyway.
On top of that, she pretended to be pregnant.
So either he hooked up with so many women during his days on battlefield that he immediately accept ‘strange girl’ claiming pregnant with his child without a question,
Or he has known her before,
Or he is simply… too generous or foolish ?
The guy has no etiquette and while he is a duke he never seems to do any paper work so it seems like he was granted the title from the ruling family’s line so he probably just thinks it’s easier to go along with a scammer he knows than dealing with dozens of ladder climbing nobles that want their daughters to give him a child.
Girl he’s jealous ? this girl only cares for herself and her own gains why can’t she think more deep like the heck why the duke was so good to her it’s been a year even thought you didn’t spend that much of time yet you aren’t curious at all why despite everything you’ve done the duke doesn’t do anything bad at all. And treating you with kindness
Xia suer
No one is curious about why the duke is so generous to her? When she’s just a con artist
I thought there will be new episodes update every few days
Why the episodes are not updating?
Hahahahah my boi is jealous. Thank you hari!
Rain Trevil
funny but i hope FL won’t be materialistic because I want her to take care of him too
Hahahahahaaha ???? Mooooooooore ?
Thank u for the update, i love this couple ?
Nana is me
Arrrghh, just get married for real
Just make a grand wedding for these two, oh great author!!
Ty for the translation, harimanga ?
Awww jealous husband >.<
Thank you for update^^