Chapter 52 in the novel, you can read it in fortuneeternal, a restaurant owner in Australia recognize him, because he has a picture of both in the wall, he was not able to find the picture, because before she went to the restaurant and stole the picture, but he find another picture with the picture in the background he sees it but its kind of blurry so he can not recognize the girl next him, later he find her and gave her the key of his hotel room in Australia.
I still remember when I first read this part in the novel, where she talks about what a mother is. I was really touched and began to appreciate my own mother even more. Anyways, if you’re looking for spoilers, nope! The big revelation isn’t happening anytime soon, based on what I remember. In fact, the ML keeps getting jealous of an imaginary ex (the supposed father of the child), even though he himself is the father. He was basically cursing himself, and the MC just let him ridicule himself because she wasn’t sure about the ML yet. To be fair, the ML is willing to be the father of the child even if it wasn’t his (which he doesn’t know yet). The MC is pretty smart when it comes to handling things.
Also, f*ck Harimanga. The ads are annoying as hell. I’m looking for another site to read on.
It’s boriiiing
(Ps: Am I the only one who has pop-up pub and website opening whenever I click somewhere. It’s annoying to use this website)
Chapter 52 in the novel, you can read it in fortuneeternal, a restaurant owner in Australia recognize him, because he has a picture of both in the wall, he was not able to find the picture, because before she went to the restaurant and stole the picture, but he find another picture with the picture in the background he sees it but its kind of blurry so he can not recognize the girl next him, later he find her and gave her the key of his hotel room in Australia.
I still remember when I first read this part in the novel, where she talks about what a mother is. I was really touched and began to appreciate my own mother even more. Anyways, if you’re looking for spoilers, nope! The big revelation isn’t happening anytime soon, based on what I remember. In fact, the ML keeps getting jealous of an imaginary ex (the supposed father of the child), even though he himself is the father. He was basically cursing himself, and the MC just let him ridicule himself because she wasn’t sure about the ML yet. To be fair, the ML is willing to be the father of the child even if it wasn’t his (which he doesn’t know yet). The MC is pretty smart when it comes to handling things.
Also, f*ck Harimanga. The ads are annoying as hell. I’m looking for another site to read on.
It’s boriiiing
(Ps: Am I the only one who has pop-up pub and website opening whenever I click somewhere. It’s annoying to use this website)
Use stargon browser
this chapter is kinda boring there’s no revelation i don’t have patience LOL
Xia suer
i want moree
Me too ✋
I can’t for him to find out the truth or at least see her with their daughter and realize that they’re look a like.
I think his memories will come after going there
Idk why but this felt really short