@Lightning-Kun That’s the problem, she can’t say, act or write as the body parts through which she will try to convey will be jammed and start hurting unabling her to tell anyone.
she’s so goddamned stupid, omg bitch you had spent a great deal time with him so if you can’t speak then act bitch the things only u 2 know any tea, any flower, any poem any anythang geez things could be so easier but no drag writing is also bad, and the prince won’t ponder
@Lightning-Kun That’s the problem, she can’t say, act or write as the body parts through which she will try to convey will be jammed and start hurting unabling her to tell anyone.
she’s so goddamned stupid, omg bitch you had spent a great deal time with him so if you can’t speak then act bitch the things only u 2 know any tea, any flower, any poem any anythang geez things could be so easier but no drag writing is also bad, and the prince won’t ponder