Uhm, Alkina is there as a bodyguard, but this insolent prince is distracting her from her work – she is supposed keep an eye on the king. Also, this guy himself is one of the deadly threats to the king… So I don’t get why Alkina is acting so servile towards this horrible prince, instead of reminding him that she is on duty, responsible for the safety of the king and only answering to the king, not anybody else…
Uhm, Alkina is there as a bodyguard, but this insolent prince is distracting her from her work – she is supposed keep an eye on the king. Also, this guy himself is one of the deadly threats to the king… So I don’t get why Alkina is acting so servile towards this horrible prince, instead of reminding him that she is on duty, responsible for the safety of the king and only answering to the king, not anybody else…